Motor Dealerships (Rotating Stock / Fleet)

We have extensive experience dealing with motor dealerships for the past 20 years doing licencing and dealing with eNatis.

Without being an alarmist we know the fines dealerships accumulate and understand the effects AARTO  will have on your operation.

I strongly suggest dealers begin to re-evaluate the way they have done licensing and vehicle/driver management if they wish to survive the draconian effects of AARTO.

We are here to help and can meet to explain the vast effects AARTO will have on your dealership.

Here are a few points worth considering:

  • You have vehicles coming in and out of your stock all the time.
  • It takes time before ownership of these are changed so often you will have a vehicle in your possession but not in your name. You will use this for whatever reason and if you get a fine it will go to the seller and he will get demerit points on his name. The "fights"will follow.
  • You sell a vehicle and it is in the possession of the buyer before ownership is changed. If the new owner gets fines before transfer these go onto your vehicle and ultimately your BRN (Business Register Number). This could also affect the sale of the vehicle if points come on prior to transfer and exceed 15.
  • You may have cars that cannot be sold or used due to a points tally of greater than 15
  • You cannot avoid paying fines as these come onto your licencing profile and prevent other discs from being printed.
  • The fines are twice as much as fines of the old system.
  • You only other option is to offset the fine and nominate the driver who was in the car of the time of fine. This is a must and you need a system to do this and the paper work is burdensome and has to be done in a short time frame (first 32 days). 
  • You may have employees with suspended licences who cannot drive and therefore cannot adequately fulfill their duties. The onus is on you (dealer) to ensure employees (drivers) have valid licences.
  • Points are never lost so if a car has 10 points and is sold the points come off the vehicle and go onto your BRN. The next car you put into your stock will inherit those 10 points.
  • Ex; If you sell 5 vehicles and they all have demerit points (lets say 4, 6, 2, 5, 1) and all go off your name in one morning the tally that will go onto your BRN will be 18 points. The next car you put into your name will inherit all 18 pints and would not be able to be used or sold for the next 9 months (3 months = 1 less point).
  • It is important to note that this legislation controls every aspect of how a dealer should manage licensing and their vehicles according to the Transport Act; dealer stocks, permits, trade plates, etc, etc.

One of the biggest changes under AARTO for motor dealerships is that the Department of Transport Inspectors (the ones that come and check on your dealership, permits, trade plates, registers, 2nd Hand Goods Certificate, etc.) are now able to issue you with fines. In the past all they could really do was send you a warning letter but now they have much more authority over you.



AARTO will be extreme for motor dealerships and has the potential to sink you. You need a focused system to cope.

You also need to develop a culture of sound licensing principles and driver management.

We are here to help! Do not wait until the full effects of AARTO are felt. Act now and be ready as your entire operation depends on it.

We have a roll out plan and package/s for Dealerships to prep them from now until when the full effect of AARTO will be felt (1 July 2024). To wait until then to implement a plan will be dangerous and too late for a number of reasons. In short if you get off to a bad start with AARTO it will be extremely difficult to come back from that position.

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